One in Faith Area Catholic Community Bulletin Guidelines
General Guidelines:
Deadline for submitting announcements is Tuesdays at 9:00 am, unless otherwise noted in bulletin due to holiday/Holy day
Send all bulletin announcements to bulletin@catholic-centered.org
When submitting the announcement, please indicate what weekends and section(s) it should be included in the bulletin
Announcements can be run for 2 consecutive weekends, unless it is a church/school sponsored event or activity. If the announcement will be run more than 2 weekends, please consider changing up the verbiage for the subsequent weekends.
The ACC reserves the right to modify the announcements due to the space available.
Individual Parish Sections
This section will include information that needs to be communicated specifically to the parishioners of the parish. Examples include:
Festival work schedules or requests
Ministry schedules
Parish events
Church affiliated organizations
Additional information communicated from the parish office
Hispanic Ministry Section
This section will include information that needs to be communicated specifically to the Hispanic members of our community as well as information they wish to share with the rest of our community. Examples include:
Faith Formation/Youth Ministry News (in Spanish)
Parish Council Message (in Spanish)
Any addition Hispanic News (this may be in Spanish and/or English)
School/Faith Formation Sections
This section will include information from the three Catholic Schools in our ACC as well as Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. Examples include:
School News
Current/upcoming classes
Current/upcoming events
One in Faith Area Catholic Community Section
This section will include church sponsored or church related events happening in our ACC and the diocese, as well as miscellaneous prayers and faith education. Examples include:
Information about ACC Festivals and Raffles
ACC Fundraiser Meals or other fundraisers
Praying the Rosary, Bible Studies, etc.
Church related events that all are invited to, such as Christian Women, St. Joseph’s Society, Catholic United Financial, Catholic Order of Foresters, etc.
Diocesan Items
Happenings Around the Area
This section lists upcoming events in our surrounding communities. Examples include:
Community Organization Sponsored Events, such as Lions, Jaycees, Sr. Citizen Center, American Red Cross, etc.
Other Area Parish Events
Prayer Requests
If someone would like to be included on the prayer list, the person requesting to be placed on the list or removed from the list needs to contact the parish office to be added/removed.
Every 6 months the list will be cleared out.