Welcome to One In Faith Community
We are a community of people learning together how to love and honor God in our lives. We are not a building or a name, but churches with rich histories united by our love for Jesus Christ. As His followers, we gather to praise and honor Him.
We are One In Faith.
Quick Links:
To make a donation toward St. Mary's general fund, please use this Donate button. Thank you!
Stewardship Renewal 2024​
Church of St. Mary's Newsletter
The new Advent issue is now available. Read it here!
St. Mary's Calendar Raffle
Instead of sending two calendars to each family as was done in the past, a form was mailed out to everyone. If you would like to participate in the Calendar Raffle, please fill out the bottom part of the form sent to you and mail it to the Parish Center along with your check.
Tickets will be sold before and after Masses, or you may purchase tickets at the parish center, Freeport State Bank-Melrose, or Magnifi-Melrose.
Thank you for making this another successful fundraiser!